Friday, February 22, 2008

Dearest Patricia...

This whole day has been surreal. Like somehow you'll appear on Monday as if this was a bad dream.

Your gentle, sweet presence was so special to me and many others in the office. Your laugh was contagious. Your smile so generous and warm. Your energy and enthusiasm made me want to join you in whatever you were doing - whether it was CANstruction or making a quick Starbucks run to get a scone (pronounced scone-nay). I'll never forget your funny "pawing" - jokingly trying to get Matteo's attention. And your funny English accents...

I'm so sad that I won't get to know you more. Your drive, talent and self-motivation made you successful at your profession. But you were also so humble and sweet - genuinely caring to everyone around you.

I was so blessed to be able to get to know you when I first started working at Hanbury Evans - being in the next-door cubicle. Thank you for sharing your tea times with us. For sharing your joys with us. I'm so sad I won't get to see you at your wedding. You knew I was scared to death at the thought of doing your wedding photography - but I was so looking forward to sharing that day with you - what an honour!

We'll miss you, Revit Girl. The third floor will never quite be the same without you.

Much love,
Lady Catherine

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