Wednesday, February 27, 2008

One of a Kind

The loss of this unforgettable person is touching the lives of many, many people. I first notice that there was something more than special about Patricia when she and her husband, along with all of the interns, came to my house for a summer cookout and beach day. I was stricken by her kindness and eagerness to help in preparations. I later learned that she was always eager to help anyone in need. About a year ago, I was having trouble with my feet. Patricia brought in special foot lotions, salts and assorted medications. She would call and check on me to see how I was feeling. She would even send me emails reminding me to take care of myself. She had a huge heart for those around her and she loved others with her actions.

As I was getting to know Patricia, I asked her what name she like to go by. She responded "anything but Patty". So of course, I had to occasionally call her "Patty" just her hear her say "NO! Jimmy NO!". She always knew how to make those around her laugh. Knowing Patricia was a humbling experience and I will never be able to forget who she was, how she affected those around her with her eternal optimism, contagious laugh and abundant intelligence. The world around Patricia was and will forever remain changed and is a better place because she stopped here for a while along her travels through life. She is a precious soul and I am blessed to have known and experienced life with her in it.

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