Friday, February 22, 2008


Hey girlfriend that's not fair. Who's going to bring me "burned" chocolate chip cookies now? Or $50 in pennies for CANstruction? And who's going to be our buddy and share our Wintergreen condo with Patrice & me? Wow, and who's going to come in bursting into my bathroom at Wintergreen and help me with my dress? I will miss your sweet smile, your sincere and disinterested friendship, the girl-to-girl talk, the "boys" talk, the marriage talk, the children talk and all the crazy stuff we talked about. :) We worked together, but above all we were friends with a common shared love live in general and to be loved in return. And that my friend is what you were...loved by us all. There are no words in the world to describe our feelings right now, but one thing is for will always be in our hearts. And if somebody gives me a burned chocolate chip cookie in the future, I’ll just smile and know that somehow you have sent it my way. :)

“The angels are having a party in heaven today, their day got a lot brighter with your sweet smile” ~Jellisse

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