Thank you all for your expressions of sympathy. Patricia was our youngest daughter at 24 years. She was bright and accomplished: a graduate of the Pratt Institute and an architect with Hanbury, Evans, Wright, Vlattas in Norfolk, Virginia.
Patricia had been sick all week, and Wednesday evening went to the doctor with flu-like symptoms. She was given some medicine, and then went home. She passed away in her sleep sometime Wednesday evening or Thursday, apparently of natural causes.
Our “Sis” was always a joy. She was a hard worker, made people around her happy, and loved to accomplish things that others couldn’t. We still have our daughter Laura, 26. She is a financial aid officer for ITT in Boise, Idaho.
Below is a small memorial to Patricia. I hope you will all have a chance to have a small share of the joy she brought to us.
Thank you again for your expressions of sympathy. We are proud to know all of you.
Joe and Pat Parker

Patricia (left) and Laura (right) with me at Christmas.

Patricia (center) at her graduation from Pratt. This picture was carried in the school’s journal.

Patricia jumps into a snow drift at Pratt. This picture captures her love of life.

Patricia and fellow architects at a design competition. She loved her work and her fellow architects.

Patricia and her friend Lauren in a canoe on the Niger River near Niamey, Niger.

Patricia and her friends from Pratt, Yessica and Lauren, in Niger watching giraffes.

Patricia at age 3 (left) and Laura age 5 (right) sitting in the White House Rose Garden while we visited with the President Reagan’s staff. They had an opportunity to play with the President’s Chief of Staff while there (he was also making sure they did not overturn any of the Frederick Remington statues that were throughout the West Wing at that time).

Patricia at age 3 in Monterey, California. She is sitting on my lap.

Her high school graduation picture from St. Marys-Ryken High School.

Patricia and our dog Samson getting ready to campaign for our good friend Jim Buck, who was running for re-election of his seat in the Washington State Legislature.

Patricia with Samson when we just got him as a puppy 4 years ago.

The family at the beach in Grand Bassam, Ivory Coast; in Africa. Patricia is the beauty at far left.

At Christmas 2006.

A Norman Rockwell picture, but Patricia was a great cook.

17 June 1983 ~ 21 February 2008
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